TV & Film

Antara from 'Bachelor point' ties the knot

Antara from 'Bachelor point' ties the knot
Photo: Collected

"Bachelor Point" actor Faria Shahrin has announced her marriage on her official Facebook account. The actor didn't reveal the name of her husband in the post. 


Yesterday, she announced her marriage announcement on Facebook with the caption, "Keep us in your prayers." However, she didn't address when she got married. 

Many people congratulated her on the post. One of them asked where the marriage took place and the actor replied that the intimate ceremony happened at her house in the presence of loved ones. 

The actor had previously announced her engagement to Mahfuz Raihan in 2021.

Faria Shahrin entered into showbiz in 2007 with "Lux- Channel i Superstar" where she became the first runner up.

She has acted in two drama series which includes "Dainik Tolpar" and "Airkom." She got immense fame for appearing as Antara in Kajal Arefin Ome's popular drama "Bachelor Point."



Antara from 'Bachelor point' ties the knot

Antara from 'Bachelor point' ties the knot
Photo: Collected

"Bachelor Point" actor Faria Shahrin has announced her marriage on her official Facebook account. The actor didn't reveal the name of her husband in the post. 


Yesterday, she announced her marriage announcement on Facebook with the caption, "Keep us in your prayers." However, she didn't address when she got married. 

Many people congratulated her on the post. One of them asked where the marriage took place and the actor replied that the intimate ceremony happened at her house in the presence of loved ones. 

The actor had previously announced her engagement to Mahfuz Raihan in 2021.

Faria Shahrin entered into showbiz in 2007 with "Lux- Channel i Superstar" where she became the first runner up.

She has acted in two drama series which includes "Dainik Tolpar" and "Airkom." She got immense fame for appearing as Antara in Kajal Arefin Ome's popular drama "Bachelor Point."



ক্যানসারের ওষুধ

দেশে মলিকিউলার ল্যাবরেটরির অভাবে চিকিৎসা ব্যাহত

‘বর্তমানে চট্টগ্রামে কোনো আণবিক ল্যাবরেটরি নেই, এমনকি দেশেও নেই’ উল্লেখ করে তিনি বলেন, ‘আণবিক ল্যাবের অভাবে নেক্সট-জেনারেশন সিকোয়েন্সিং (এনজিএস) করা সম্ভব হচ্ছে না। ফলস্বরূপ প্রতিবছর অনেক ক্যানসার...

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