Make Ducsu centre of all campus activities

It is good to learn that the DU authorities are hoping to hold the Dhaka University Central Students' Union (Ducsu) election by March 31 this year. The Supreme Court (SC) order delivered on January 6, 2019 has also made it mandatory for the DU authorities to hold the election. The last Ducsu election was held in 1990 and Ducsu was dissolved in 1998. Since then no elections have been held despite repeated demands by various student organisations. As the long-awaited election is going to be held after a gap of 28 years, different student organisations as well as the general students have high expectations from this election. Since presently, there exists no student body in the campus to look after the needs and concerns of the students, Ducsu can again take on the role of looking after the welfare of general students.
Many student organisations believe that there are some rules in the Ducsu constitution which are curbing democratic values and so need to be amended. As a committee was formed which has now been working with various student organisations of the campus and listening to their proposals, we hope that the DU authorities will be able to take a decision to amend the constitution after evaluating their proposals.
Needless to say, conducting Ducsu election regularly is crucial for ensuring a healthy educational environment in the campus. Over the years, the democratic environment in public universities has disintegrated as student politics has become party-oriented and violence on campus has become rampant. There is no coexistence of student organisations on campus. Only through a fair Ducsu election can this culture be changed.
Ducsu was established in 1922, a year after DU was established, to promote cultural activities within the university and foster a spirit of cooperation among students. We hope with the revival of the Ducsu, DU will reclaim its place as the centre of cultural and intellectual activities which it is supposed to be.