
Free internet access initiative

A beneficial reach out to the poor

IT is heartening to note that Facebook has launched its free online browsing platform internet.org in Bangladesh in partnership with a local mobile company. It will allow the subscribers free internet access to some local and international websites through mobile gadgets. This initiative has the potential to reach internet to poor people and enable them to benefit from increased connectivity with the world. 

In this age of information, internet can serve as a great equalizer. As a powerful communication tool it brings access to jobs, education, agriculture and health related information that can create a huge difference in general people's life. In under developed countries like Bangladesh lack of easy access to information is a major barrier for development. A research shows that for every 10 people who gain access to the internet, at least one person is lifted out of poverty. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, believes that the free internet service has the opportunity to uplift more than 10 million people in Bangladesh.  

In Bangladesh fewer than 10 percent people are connected to the internet. It happens due to the high price of internet and lack of infrastructure to provide the service. The initiative of free internet service will help bridge these gaps and make Bangladesh better connected. This sort of free internet initiative should be replicated by other internet providers in the country. Internet giants like Facebook should create more such opportunities for countries like Bangladesh and the government should facilitate these initiatives. 



Free internet access initiative

A beneficial reach out to the poor

IT is heartening to note that Facebook has launched its free online browsing platform internet.org in Bangladesh in partnership with a local mobile company. It will allow the subscribers free internet access to some local and international websites through mobile gadgets. This initiative has the potential to reach internet to poor people and enable them to benefit from increased connectivity with the world. 

In this age of information, internet can serve as a great equalizer. As a powerful communication tool it brings access to jobs, education, agriculture and health related information that can create a huge difference in general people's life. In under developed countries like Bangladesh lack of easy access to information is a major barrier for development. A research shows that for every 10 people who gain access to the internet, at least one person is lifted out of poverty. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, believes that the free internet service has the opportunity to uplift more than 10 million people in Bangladesh.  

In Bangladesh fewer than 10 percent people are connected to the internet. It happens due to the high price of internet and lack of infrastructure to provide the service. The initiative of free internet service will help bridge these gaps and make Bangladesh better connected. This sort of free internet initiative should be replicated by other internet providers in the country. Internet giants like Facebook should create more such opportunities for countries like Bangladesh and the government should facilitate these initiatives. 



এমবিবিএস-বিডিএস ডিগ্রিধারীরাই শুধু ডাক্তার পদবি ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন: হাইকোর্ট

আজ বুধবার বিচারপতি রাজিক-আল-জলিল এবং বিচারপতি শাথিকা হোসেনের হাইকোর্ট বেঞ্চ এ সংক্রান্ত রিট আবেদনের শুনানি শেষে এ রায় দেন।

১১ মিনিট আগে