
Caned for not wearing a uniform!

What happened to the ban on corporal punishment?

The caning of a schoolgirl in a government school in Pabna leaves us disgusted and horrified. Rojoni, the victim, was beaten until she fainted because she was not wearing her uniform which her labourer father could not afford to buy. How can such barbarism be allowed in a place where young minds are supposed to be nurtured and taught? How can a teacher resort to such violence, especially when the High Court and government have expressly prohibited corporal punishment in all schools?

Obviously teachers and school authorities have no regard for the government's directives and blatantly violate the basic right of a child to be protected from physical harm. Besides violating international conventions and the law of the land, this teacher has disgraced his profession. A teacher is a nurturer and must display the highest moral standards of a human being. That is a prerequisite of anyone who has the responsibility of imparting knowledge to children. In this case the teacher has displayed a despicable, sadistic streak that is not uncommon in many of our schools especially where children come from poor backgrounds.

This also calls into question why students of government schools who cannot afford uniforms are not provided with such items that are part of school regulations. Rojoni no longer wants to go to school because she is afraid she will be beaten again. This is the last thing we want for our children – that they should be fearful of school and therefore, of learning.  The inquiry committee that has been formed must take steps to punish this teacher and also hold the school accountable for allowing such practices. This shameful, barbarism must be eliminated for good.



Caned for not wearing a uniform!

What happened to the ban on corporal punishment?

The caning of a schoolgirl in a government school in Pabna leaves us disgusted and horrified. Rojoni, the victim, was beaten until she fainted because she was not wearing her uniform which her labourer father could not afford to buy. How can such barbarism be allowed in a place where young minds are supposed to be nurtured and taught? How can a teacher resort to such violence, especially when the High Court and government have expressly prohibited corporal punishment in all schools?

Obviously teachers and school authorities have no regard for the government's directives and blatantly violate the basic right of a child to be protected from physical harm. Besides violating international conventions and the law of the land, this teacher has disgraced his profession. A teacher is a nurturer and must display the highest moral standards of a human being. That is a prerequisite of anyone who has the responsibility of imparting knowledge to children. In this case the teacher has displayed a despicable, sadistic streak that is not uncommon in many of our schools especially where children come from poor backgrounds.

This also calls into question why students of government schools who cannot afford uniforms are not provided with such items that are part of school regulations. Rojoni no longer wants to go to school because she is afraid she will be beaten again. This is the last thing we want for our children – that they should be fearful of school and therefore, of learning.  The inquiry committee that has been formed must take steps to punish this teacher and also hold the school accountable for allowing such practices. This shameful, barbarism must be eliminated for good.


রেমিট্যান্স, প্রবাসী আয়, কোটা সংস্কার আন্দোলন, কারফিউ, মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট বন্ধ,

সৌদি আরবকে ছাড়িয়ে গেছে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র ও আরব আমিরাত

চলতি অর্থবছরের প্রথম সাত মাসে বাংলাদেশের রেমিট্যান্স আয়ের প্রধান উৎস ছিল যুক্তরাষ্ট্র, যুক্তরাজ্য ও সৌদি আরব। বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংকের তথ্য বলছে—এ সময়ে শীর্ষ ৩০ দেশ থেকে মোট রেমিট্যান্স এসেছে ১৫ দশমিক ৯৬...

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