BCL infighting in universities

The recent incidents of BCL infighting in various educational institutions have created a worrying situation where academic activities have been seriously hindered and safety and security of general students are under threat. In the latest case of Comilla University, clashes between two factions of BCL at the campus left an activist of the BCL dead and five others injured. The university has been closed for indefinite period following the violent incident.
Since most of the universities do not have elected student bodies, student wing of the ruling party generally dominate there who have little concern for the welfare of students and educational activities of the university. In most cases, conflict emerges among various factions of the ruling student body over petty issues which often turns into deadly clashes. The university authorities in certain cases have repeatedly failed to control the ruling party student wings.
The ruling party also cannot avoid its responsibility regarding the current incidents of campus violence. They should rein in the unruly elements of their student wing. In the case of Comilla University, the authorities should investigate the issue impartially and take stern action against the guilty students. They should take necessary measures to resume the academic activities immediately. Finally, a democratic environment should be created in all educational institutions so that universities do not become hostage to any group and students can pursue their academic activities smoothly.