
Doctor from Kushtia dies of Covid-19 at BSMMU

Another doctor died from Covid-19 while receiving treatment at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University earlier today.

Dr SM Nur Uddin Baki Rumi, an assistant professor of Surgery department at Kushtia Medical College, breathed his last around 2:30am, said Mily Dey, director of Bangladesh Doctors' Foundation (BDF) Trust.

An alumnus of Chattogram Medical College, Dr Rumi tested positive for coronavirus infection on July 3, a couple of days after he showed symptoms. He was later shifted to BSMMU from Kushtia.

With him, at least 70 physicians have so far died with confirmed Covid-19 infections, while 11 others passed away showing symptoms, according to BDF. 


Doctor from Kushtia dies of Covid-19 at BSMMU

Another doctor died from Covid-19 while receiving treatment at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University earlier today.

Dr SM Nur Uddin Baki Rumi, an assistant professor of Surgery department at Kushtia Medical College, breathed his last around 2:30am, said Mily Dey, director of Bangladesh Doctors' Foundation (BDF) Trust.

An alumnus of Chattogram Medical College, Dr Rumi tested positive for coronavirus infection on July 3, a couple of days after he showed symptoms. He was later shifted to BSMMU from Kushtia.

With him, at least 70 physicians have so far died with confirmed Covid-19 infections, while 11 others passed away showing symptoms, according to BDF. 


বগুড়া ও গাইবান্ধায় এক্সক্যাভেটর দিয়ে আ. লীগ অফিস গুড়িয়ে দিয়েছে ছাত্র-জনতা

বিক্ষুব্ধ ছাত্র-জনতা স্বৈরাচার, ফ্যাসিবাদ ও আওয়ামী লীগ বিরোধী বিভিন্ন স্লোগান দেয়।

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