Mirpur landlord held for ‘housing Dhaka attackers’

A landlord of Dhaka’s West Shewrapara in Mirpur has been arrested for allegedly sheltering Dhaka attackers and concealing tenant information from police.
This is the second time a landlord has been held over the issue of hiding tenant information after Dhaka police introduced the mandatory provision from February.
The previous arrest was made last night – a professor of North South University, said to be the institution’s acting pro-vice chancellor, held for sheltering Dhaka attackers.
Today police recovered a handmade grenade, a black outfit – similar to those as used by gunmen during the Dhaka siege, from a flat, said Masudur Rahman, deputy commissioner (media) of Dhaka Metropolitan Police.
They suspect that the Gulshan attackers, who killed 20 people, mostly foreign nationals, in a 12-hour siege, had rented the flat, according to the police official.
The house’s landlord Nurul Islam was arrested as he had not collected information before renting out flats to his tenants and concealed the information from police, DC Masud said.
