Unicef for maternity rights, breastfeeding at workplaces

The United Nations International Children's Fund (Unicef) in collaboration with Bangladesh government today launched a national initiative aiming at supporting maternity rights and promoting breastfeeding at workplaces for female workers.
The initiative titled “Mothers@Work” was taken for the growing number of female workers in the industrial sector especially in the country’s readymade garment which has the largest concentration of female workers.
Giving nod to the initiatives, the ministry for labour and employment said that a strong, healthy and well cared atmosphere for women labours in their working places is essential for continuation of the economic growth and success of the country.
Investments will help to improve lives standard of the working class families by ensuring medical care, maternity leave, time and privacy for breastfeeding that can encourage the women to return to the work places enthusiastically.
“This programme is being implemented with the partnership of MoHFW is very well planned and there will be my full support,” said Mujibul Haque, state minister for labour and employment.
The first of its kind in Bangladesh, Mothers@Work initiative is being implemented in association with the ministry of health and family welfare and the ministry of labour and employment and with the help of private and civil society stakeholders to ensure maternity protection at workplace.
In addition, this initiative will preserve health of mothers and newborn babies. It is at the same time, will ensure service security of working women and their families, he added.