Rampal Power plant: There’ll be no environmental hazard, says minister

The Sundarbans will not face any environmental hazard due to the establishment of coal-based Rampal Power Plant, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid told parliament today.
According to a feasibility study and the Environmental Impact Assessment outcome, the establishment of Rampal Power Plant will not pose any threat to the environment of the mangrove forest, he said.
The power plant, to be set up around 14km away from the Sundarbans, would have the Ultra Super Critical technology for power generation and there is no possibility of creating any risk for the mangrove forest, Hamid also said while replying to queries made by lawmakers.
On the other hand, the mangrove forest is particularly suitable for absorbing carbon dioxide, one of the bi-products of the coal-based plant, the state minister said.
The power plant will also create alternative income for the people who are living in the vicinity of the forest and ultimately the forest will be protected from damage due to the power plant, Hamid added.