Nor’wester: 3 missing found dead in Manikganj

Three persons turned up dead in the Padma river after going missing from Manikganj during trawler capsize in a nor’wester two days ago.
The bodies of Yaad Ali and Chan Mia, hailing from Shibaloy upazlia, and Ismail Khan, hailing from Pabna’s Santhia upazila, were found floating in Padma, our correspondent reports.
Md Mizanur Rahman, deputy assistant director of local Fire Service and Civil Defence, confirmed the recovery of their dead bodies today.
Meanwhile, divers are continuing search of two others who went missing after a trawler capsized during the storm on Sunday.
The two are: Nasir Khan, 42, and Kalim Khan, 49. They were residents of Pabna district’s Santhia upazila.