TIB urges for congenial atmosphere for free media

As the World Press Freedom Day is going to be observed tomorrow, the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) in a statement today urged the government and other stakeholders to create a congenial atmosphere where the media can play their role freely and impartially.
In the statement, the TIB also expressed its concern and frustration over the "unexpected interference" on media, torturing journalists and barring them from discharging their duties by a section of law enforcers.
The watchdog also expressed concerns over the killing of bloggers by religious fundamentalists, murder of journalists Sagar and Runi two years back and other security concerns related to journalists.
TIB Executive Director Iftekharuzzaman said the government, in one hand, enacted Rights to Information Act-2009 and the Whistleblower Protection Act-2011 in its last tenure, on the other hand amended the section 57 of Information and Communication Technology (amendment) Act-2013 and added some provisions to the National Broadcast Policy, which has posed threat to the freedom of expression of media and individuals.
He condemned the "unwritten embargo imposed discriminately" on some journalists to enter into the office of the prime minister.
Iftekharuzzaman also urged journalist leaders to enact and implement ethical code of conduct for professional development and to ensure objectivity and impartiality in journalism, said the statement.