Solve transport fare hassle, public body tells govt

A public body today urged the government to solve the crisis in the transport sector that has arisen out of "uncontrolled" fare hike in public transports.
The call was placed by Bangladesh Passengers' Welfare Association from a mass hearing programme near Dhaka's Jatiya Press Club this afternoon.
Since it is the government who hiked the transport fares, it is them who should take steps in this regard, said the platform's chief advisor Syed Abul Maksud.
Alleging that transport fares hiked by the bus-minibus owners are higher than that fixed by the government, Maksud said, "This will increase corruption."
Addressing the programme, eminent economist Prof Anu Muhammad urged the government to improve passenger facilities alongside eradicating public transport crisis.
The fare hike has taken a toll in daily life and quarrels between transport workers and passengers have become a common phenomenon in Dhaka city nowadays.
It took a bad turn yesterday after a mobile court fined a bus for charging extra in Dhaka. Transport workers called strike instantly putting commuters at stake.