'Rise High Bangladesh' at BUET

The activation programme of the bubbling export idea contest 'Rise High Bangladesh' performed activation in the most renowned public university in Bangladesh for engineering and architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), on August 29, 2016. Despite continuous drizzling, the activation drew the attention of a large number of students.
The event started at 9 am at the compound of BUET's and continued until the end of the working day. The venue was decked with banners and posters which contained details on the contest. Moreover, volunteers were present to provide any information on the contest and offer detailed information about the activation programme.

Unsurprisingly, the most participated part of the program was the puzzle-solving game, which attracted a large number of students. As was the case with other campuses over the country, this game also achieved immense popularity here in BUET. Participants were required to pick a clue card, containing export information of an unnamed country; all they had to do was recognize the country.
After winning the puzzle solving contest, Faisal Morshed of the Electrical and Electronic Department, enthusiastically proclaimed, "At first when I picked up a clue card, I found it hard to identify the destination. Then I tried again and successfully recognised the country."

Abrar Hussain, a student of Computer Science and Engineering Department expressed his interest in the export idea contest. He said, "I want to develop an export idea plan with a focus on digitalisation and online marketing. We have many products for export but we cannot sell them in the international market, because of our lackings in digital and online marketing.'

The BUET Entrepreneurship Development Club coordinated the event alongside The Daily Star. When asked what he thought about this contest, Nazmus Sadat, president of BUET Entrepreneurship Development club, replied, "I consider this contest as an effective enterprise to promote our potential. We all need to think about the growth and progress of our country. Fresh and innovative export ideas from the students could definitely contribute to the national progress.'
After completing a successful activation at BUET, the 'Rise High Bangladesh' export idea contest will move to Jahangirnagar University and Khulna University of Engineering and Technology on August 30, 2016. However, students from any university may participate in the programme with their export ideas.