
Out of command, 2 cargo ships drift downstream in Meghna

Coast Guard mounts search

Two out of command cargo ships are drifting downstream in the Meghna in strong current. Chandpur Coast Guard is searching for the ships.

The two ships, Gulf-4 and Prince of Monika-1, on way to Narayanganj, are carrying 2,000 tons of cement raw materials 'fly Ash' from India.

The ships started to drift out of command when the propellers of both of the ships were damaged due to heavy current.

"We were anchored at the confluence of the Meghna near Chandpur. All of a sudden, an anchor of a ship failed and the propellers of both the ships were damaged. Both ships started drifting downstream towards Barisal out of command," said Amzad Hossain, master of Gulf-4.

"We are apprehensive of sinking or facing a major accident," he added.

Amzad told The Daily Star around 9:00pm drifting has slowed because of incoming tide. "We are currently near Majher Char, 15km off the Meghna confluence," he said adding that there are around 30 people on both the ships.

"We have talked to the Chandpur coast guard. They informed us that they were sending their teams," he added.   

Chandpur Station Commander of Coast Guard Lt Nuruzzaman Sheikh and BIWTA official Mustafizur Rahman said they have started aid operation.   

Owner of Gulf-4 Nuruzzaman said the ships have drifted eight to ten miles downstream.


Out of command, 2 cargo ships drift downstream in Meghna

Coast Guard mounts search

Two out of command cargo ships are drifting downstream in the Meghna in strong current. Chandpur Coast Guard is searching for the ships.

The two ships, Gulf-4 and Prince of Monika-1, on way to Narayanganj, are carrying 2,000 tons of cement raw materials 'fly Ash' from India.

The ships started to drift out of command when the propellers of both of the ships were damaged due to heavy current.

"We were anchored at the confluence of the Meghna near Chandpur. All of a sudden, an anchor of a ship failed and the propellers of both the ships were damaged. Both ships started drifting downstream towards Barisal out of command," said Amzad Hossain, master of Gulf-4.

"We are apprehensive of sinking or facing a major accident," he added.

Amzad told The Daily Star around 9:00pm drifting has slowed because of incoming tide. "We are currently near Majher Char, 15km off the Meghna confluence," he said adding that there are around 30 people on both the ships.

"We have talked to the Chandpur coast guard. They informed us that they were sending their teams," he added.   

Chandpur Station Commander of Coast Guard Lt Nuruzzaman Sheikh and BIWTA official Mustafizur Rahman said they have started aid operation.   

Owner of Gulf-4 Nuruzzaman said the ships have drifted eight to ten miles downstream.


শিক্ষার্থীরা রাজনৈতিক দল গঠনে প্রস্তুত: ফিন্যান্সিয়াল টাইমসের পডকাস্টে ড. ইউনূস

সুইজারল্যান্ডের দাভোসে বিশ্ব অর্থনৈতিক ফোরামের বার্ষিক সম্মেলনে গিয়ে ফিন্যান্সিয়াল টাইমসের পডকাস্টে যোগ দেন ড. মুহাম্মদ ইউনূস।

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