Only open democratic process can help achieve full potential: US

Appreciating Bangladesh's leadership role in crucial areas, the US today said every country, including Bangladesh, can achieve its full potential only when national debates are channeled through 'peaceful and open democratic process'.
"Municipal elections are coming up later this month and I hope everyone will make the most of this opportunity to reaffirm Bangladesh's commitment to democracy," said visiting US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs-Designate Thomas A Shannon.
He was addressing a seminar on the 'US-Bangladesh Relationship: Working Together on Global Issues'. Bangladesh Institute of International Strategic Studies (BIISS) arranged the event with its Chairman Munshi Faiz Ahmed in the chair.
Shannon said they are working towards a common vision to support a Bangladesh that is 'inclusive, prosperous and secure'.
"Violent extremists and terrorists don't share that vision. They wish for a Bangladesh that is divided, weakened and chaotic. They want to destroy centuries-long traditions of religious tolerance and communal harmony," said the US diplomat.
Referring to acts of violent extremists and terrorists, Shannon said Bangladesh and the US share a 'common vulnerability' to this threat. "…but we also share a firm resolve to defeat it."
Reviewing the cooperation between the two countries, the US diplomat said both the countries have accomplished 'much together'. "But there's much more to be done. Together we must continue to create a future where our children can grow up healthy and educated."
He laid emphasis on the exercise of citizens rights and freedoms without 'fear of harm' and mentioned that it will have to be make sure that all can live together in peace.
Emphasizing working together, Shannon said the past 40 years have shown that Bangladesh and the US can accomplish 'amazing things' when they work together whether it is climate change, security, women's empowerment or development.
"And the next 40 years will be no different, because our partnership is one whose strength, resilience, and potential will only grow with time," he added.
Adding few words with what Ted Kennedy said 44 years, Shannon said America still cares - about that there can be no doubt. "And to his timeless address I would simply add: Bangladesh matters."
Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque and BIISS Director General Maj Gen AKM Abdur Rahman also spoke on the occasion.