Only 9% pass DU 'Gha' unit entry tests

Only nine percent of the admission seekers passed the entry tests to Dhaka University's 'Gha' unit under social sciences faculty, results published show.
The university's Vice Chancellor AAMS Arefin Siddique announced the result around 1:30pm, the central admission office confirmed The Daily Star.
The pass rate this year was 9.94 percent. Only 6,171 of the 62,078 aspirants who sat for the tests passed in the tests. A total of 90,131 students had applied for the tests held on Friday.
The results will be found on or via short message service (SMS) from any mobile operator by typing DU GHA and roll number and sending it to 16321.
The choice form fill up will begin from December 11 and will continue until December 18.