JnU teacher suspended for helping relative during admission test

Jagannath University authorities today suspended a teacher of political science for helping his relative during admission test held on Friday.
Mejbah-ul-Azam Sawdagar, an assistant professor of the department, was suspended as he provided answers of some questions to one of his relatives during 'B Unit' admission test, Prof Mizanur Rahman, vice-chancellor (VC) of the university, told The Daily Star.
"We have temporarily sacked him from the department after the allegation bought against him was found to be true in preliminary investigation," the VC said.
Final step will be taken against him in the next syndicate meeting of the university, he added.
Prof Sarkar Ali Akkas, chairman of "B Unit" admission test committee, told The Daily Star that "on Friday night, an invigilator of Room No-408 at Science Building submitted a written complaint to me that a teacher (Mejbah) entered the room around 10 minutes before the end of the examination and helped an examinee by providing answers."
He was not supposed to go there as he was assigned to Social Science Building-1 as an invigilator; he said adding "I informed it to the Vice-chancellor immediately."
Mejbah was not available for his comment in this regard.