Help hold fair SSC exams: Dipu Moni

Education Minister Dr Dipu Moni today sought assistance of all to hold the upcoming Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations in an atmosphere free from unfair means.
The minister said this at a press briefing held at the Education Ministry this noon.
Dipu Moni expressed hope that the examinations, scheduled to begin on February 2, will be held amid a festive mood and without any instance of plagiarism taking place.
A total of 21,35,333 examinees from 28,682 institutions will sit for the SSC and equivalent exams under the eight general education boards, madrasa and technical education boards this year, the minister revealed.
Among them, 17,00,102 candidates will sit for the exams under general education, 3,10,172 examinees under madrasa board for Dakhil exams, and 1,25,059 examinees under technical board for vocational exams.
The exams will be held at a total of 3,497 centres, she said.
The number of examinees has increased by 1,03,434 this year compared to the previous year, while the number of institutions increased by 131 and exam centres by 85.
The examinees are instructed to reach their exam venues and take their seats 30 minutes prior to the scheduled time, the minister said.
All sets of the question papers will be taken to the exam centres from the treasury on the exam date. Selected officials have been assigned to take the question papers to the exam centres from the treasury.
All concerned will be informed of the question set codes 25 minutes before the exam begins.
No one except the exam centre secretary will be allowed to enter the venues with any mobile phone or electronic devices. The exam centre secretary is allowed to use a mobile phone without camera function.
Theoretical exams under general education boards will be held from February 2 to February 26 while the practical exams will be held from February 27 to March 5.
For madrasa board, theoretical exams will be held from February 2 to February 27 and practical exams from February 28 to March 6.
For technical education board, exams for theoretical papers will be held from February 2 to February 23 while practical exams from February 24 to February 28.
The SSC and equivalent exams will also be conducted at eight foreign centres – Jeddah, Riyadh, Tripoli, Doha, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain, and Saham.