Ferry service resumes on Daulatdia-Paturia ferry route after 10hrs

Ferry service on the Daulatdia-Paturia route in Manikganj resumed this morning after 10 hours of disruption due to dense fog.
The authorities suspended the operation of the ferry service around 11:30pm yesterday due to dense fog and poor navigability to avoid any accident, said Khandaker Tanvir Hossain, assistant general manager of Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation at Paturia terminal.
The ferry service resumed around 9:30am today as the fog density decreases, he added.
Several hundred vehicles, including buses, trucks and cars, remained stranded along with several thousand passengers on both sides, reports our Manikganj correspondent.
UNB adds: Passengers said dense fog had been forcing suspension of ferry services for about six to eight hours daily over the last few days. They are suffering because of the shivering cold.
The authorities concerned could not take any alternative steps and although the ferries have fog lights, they are useless, some of the commuters claimed.
Fog lights were installed in ferries in 2014 for smooth sailing in foggy weather. But the fog lights did not make any difference in ferry operation because of their inferior quality, the passengers claimed.
BIWTC officials declined to comment.