
Brahmaputra may swell, India warns

Brahmaputra river water swelling
Star file photo of Brahmaputra river.

Brahmaputra River may swell up soon as China will be releasing the dam upstream to lower alarming level of water there, India has warned Bangladesh.

Bangladesh’s High Commission in New Delhi has forwarded a fax to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informing of the alarm that is persisting in India now.

Shutterstory: Death of the Brahmaputra

The Daily Star has obtained a copy of the message.

It said, China has alerted India that it would release excess water of the Tsangpo river in Tibet, that has reached highest in 50 years, that accumulated due to rainfall.

The river flows downstream through India and into Bangladesh as Brahmaputra.

Following China's warning, Indian central government has asked authorities of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to remain on high alert, the message said.

As a result, floods may occur in the downstream of the river that may impact Bangladesh too.


Brahmaputra may swell, India warns

Brahmaputra river water swelling
Star file photo of Brahmaputra river.

Brahmaputra River may swell up soon as China will be releasing the dam upstream to lower alarming level of water there, India has warned Bangladesh.

Bangladesh’s High Commission in New Delhi has forwarded a fax to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, informing of the alarm that is persisting in India now.

Shutterstory: Death of the Brahmaputra

The Daily Star has obtained a copy of the message.

It said, China has alerted India that it would release excess water of the Tsangpo river in Tibet, that has reached highest in 50 years, that accumulated due to rainfall.

The river flows downstream through India and into Bangladesh as Brahmaputra.

Following China's warning, Indian central government has asked authorities of Arunachal Pradesh and Assam to remain on high alert, the message said.

As a result, floods may occur in the downstream of the river that may impact Bangladesh too.


বরিশাল সিটি করপোরেশন: চুরি গেছে চোর ধরার ৪২০ সিসি ক্যামেরা

বিসিসির তত্ত্বাবধায়ক প্রকৌশলী হুমায়ুন কবির বলেন, ক্যামেরা প্রকল্পের জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় লজিস্টিক সাপোর্ট ছিল না। ফলে ক্যামেরাগুলো ধীরে ধীরে অচল হয়ে পড়ে এবং চুরি হয়ে যায়। ক্যামেরাগুলো রক্ষণাবেক্ষণের জন্য...

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