Biggest ever limestone quarry found in Naogaon

The largest ever limestone quarry has been discovered in northern district of Naogaon, an official of Geological Survey of Bangladesh said.
The quarry is spread over a 50 square kilometre area, Nasrul Hamid, state minister for power, energy and mineral resources, said while disclosing the discovery before the media at the secretariat today.
The state-run Geological Survey of Bangladesh (GSB) discovered the mine after two years of efforts. They found it after drilling 2,270 feet down.
Once commercial production starts, the limestone will cater local demand for clinker – a material used in cement production among other purposes, said the state minister.
It will take another two years to start commercial production.
Bangladesh will not have to import limestone any longer and save Tk 1,000 crore annually, he said.
The GSB will go another 1,500 feet into the ground, said its officials, adding that the reserves at the new field might be five to 10 times of the Joypurhat limestone field, which holds about 100 million tonnes of limestone.