Bangladesh third most ‘depressing country’

Bangladesh is the third most depressing place to live on earth, a recent survey says.
The Positive Experience Index, carried out by US-based research firm Gallup in 2014, measured emotions of residents in 143 countries, and came to the conclusion.
The report said it asked people a series of questions like "Did you feel well-rested? Did you feel respected all day? Did you smile or laugh a lot?" and came up with the index.
According to the report, Bangladesh positioned third from the bottom. Sudan ranked lowest – the unhappiest place to live on earth – with a score of 47, followed by Tunisia.
Last year in the 2013 report, Bangladesh was placed 19th from the bottom of the Gallup's "Positive Experience Index."
All of the top 10 countries with the highest Positive Experience Index scores are in Latin America. Paraguay has been listed as the most happiest place on earth.
The region of the world that reports the lowest positive emotions is the Middle East and North Africa region with a score of 59.