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Dhaka promises good governance

Seeks global cooperation at first diplomatic briefing after Dec polls
Newly appointed Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen briefs diplomats at the state guest house ‘Padma’ in Dhaka, on Thursday, January 17, 2019. Photo: Rezaul Karim Lotus/Star

Seeking the international community's cooperation to meet challenges ahead of the new government, Dhaka has promised to ensure good governance in Bangladesh by maintaining a strong “zero tolerance policy” for “corruption and terrorism”.

Attending the first diplomatic briefing after the 11th parliamentary polls, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen yesterday said, “We need active collaboration and partnership amongst all to achieve the core goals of the government.”

The people's expectations are now high as they got a taste of massive socio-economic development in the last 10 years, he added.

The Prime Minister has given a roadmap to take the country to a new height of development by meeting major targets like becoming a middle income country by 2024 and a developed one by 2041, he said.

The foreign minister's maiden diplomatic briefing was attended by 55 members of the diplomatic community, the foreign ministry officials said.

Ambassadors, high commissioners, consul general of all the foreign missions and representatives from the UN offices in Dhaka were present among them, the ministry added.

After the briefing, several diplomats told The Daily Star that they assured continuous support to Bangladesh in every possible way.

Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of the Vatican to Bangladesh Archbishop George Kocherry said, “We promised our supports, cooperation and also the collaboration for the development of this country. So, whatever we can we'll do.”

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque and other senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also present at the briefing.


The European Union reiterated its willingness to remain constructively engaged with the new government and work together on issues of mutual interests like good governance, deeper economic partnership, the Rohingya crisis, migration, climate change, development cooperation and more.

The EU Ambassador to Bangladesh and Head of Delegation Rensje Teerink conveyed this message when she met with the newly appointed Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen at state guesthouse Padma yesterday.

Congratulating the foreign minister, the EU envoy further explored ways how to upgrade the existing instruments of engagement, in the context of evolving the Bangladesh-EU relationship, in the post-LDC era, where the bilateral agenda is shifting from development issues towards those more political in nature.

Foreign Minister Momen expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for EU's long-standing and comprehensive support for Bangladesh.

Foreign Minister of Indonesia Retno Lp Marsudi congratulated Momen over phone yesterday for being appointed as the foreign minister.


The Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Lp Marsudi also expressed conviction that the friendly relations between Bangladesh and Indonesia would be augmented further based on mutual understanding and respect in the years ahead.

Momen sought Indonesia's support for an early solution to the Rohingya crisis.

Meanwhile, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Bangladesh General AWJC De Silva called on the foreign minister at his ministry yesterday and discussed the entire range of bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Bangladesh government seeks to intensify relations with its neighbours, including Sri Lanka, Momen said.

During the discussion, he put emphasis on realising the full potentials of the two countries in strengthening the relations on a win-win basis.

Earlier, the outgoing Ambassador of Nepal to Bangladesh Dr Chop Lal Bhushal took farewell from Momen.

During the discussion, the foreign minister emphasised on hydropower import from Nepal, establishing connectivity and increasing economic and trade relations between the two countries.

The outgoing ambassador thanked the Bangladesh government for the support he received during his tenure.


Dhaka promises good governance

Seeks global cooperation at first diplomatic briefing after Dec polls
Newly appointed Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen briefs diplomats at the state guest house ‘Padma’ in Dhaka, on Thursday, January 17, 2019. Photo: Rezaul Karim Lotus/Star

Seeking the international community's cooperation to meet challenges ahead of the new government, Dhaka has promised to ensure good governance in Bangladesh by maintaining a strong “zero tolerance policy” for “corruption and terrorism”.

Attending the first diplomatic briefing after the 11th parliamentary polls, Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen yesterday said, “We need active collaboration and partnership amongst all to achieve the core goals of the government.”

The people's expectations are now high as they got a taste of massive socio-economic development in the last 10 years, he added.

The Prime Minister has given a roadmap to take the country to a new height of development by meeting major targets like becoming a middle income country by 2024 and a developed one by 2041, he said.

The foreign minister's maiden diplomatic briefing was attended by 55 members of the diplomatic community, the foreign ministry officials said.

Ambassadors, high commissioners, consul general of all the foreign missions and representatives from the UN offices in Dhaka were present among them, the ministry added.

After the briefing, several diplomats told The Daily Star that they assured continuous support to Bangladesh in every possible way.

Dean of Diplomatic Corps and Ambassador of the Vatican to Bangladesh Archbishop George Kocherry said, “We promised our supports, cooperation and also the collaboration for the development of this country. So, whatever we can we'll do.”

Foreign Secretary Shahidul Haque and other senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also present at the briefing.


The European Union reiterated its willingness to remain constructively engaged with the new government and work together on issues of mutual interests like good governance, deeper economic partnership, the Rohingya crisis, migration, climate change, development cooperation and more.

The EU Ambassador to Bangladesh and Head of Delegation Rensje Teerink conveyed this message when she met with the newly appointed Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen at state guesthouse Padma yesterday.

Congratulating the foreign minister, the EU envoy further explored ways how to upgrade the existing instruments of engagement, in the context of evolving the Bangladesh-EU relationship, in the post-LDC era, where the bilateral agenda is shifting from development issues towards those more political in nature.

Foreign Minister Momen expressed deep appreciation and gratitude for EU's long-standing and comprehensive support for Bangladesh.

Foreign Minister of Indonesia Retno Lp Marsudi congratulated Momen over phone yesterday for being appointed as the foreign minister.


The Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Lp Marsudi also expressed conviction that the friendly relations between Bangladesh and Indonesia would be augmented further based on mutual understanding and respect in the years ahead.

Momen sought Indonesia's support for an early solution to the Rohingya crisis.

Meanwhile, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Bangladesh General AWJC De Silva called on the foreign minister at his ministry yesterday and discussed the entire range of bilateral relations between the two countries.

The Bangladesh government seeks to intensify relations with its neighbours, including Sri Lanka, Momen said.

During the discussion, he put emphasis on realising the full potentials of the two countries in strengthening the relations on a win-win basis.

Earlier, the outgoing Ambassador of Nepal to Bangladesh Dr Chop Lal Bhushal took farewell from Momen.

During the discussion, the foreign minister emphasised on hydropower import from Nepal, establishing connectivity and increasing economic and trade relations between the two countries.

The outgoing ambassador thanked the Bangladesh government for the support he received during his tenure.


হাসিনার উসকানিমূলক বক্তব্যে জনগণের ক্রোধের বহিঃপ্রকাশে ৩২ নম্বরে ভাঙচুর

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার বিকেলে অন্তর্বর্তী সরকারের প্রধান উপদেষ্টার প্রেস উইং থেকে পাঠানো এক বিবৃতিতে এ কথা বলা হয়।

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