36th BCS for 2,180 posts

Bangladesh Public Service Commission has issued a circular for the 36th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examination to fill in 2,180 posts.
Registration for the exam will begin on June 6 and continue till July 23, according to the circular issued today.
Job aspirants, aged between 21 and 30 on May 1, 2015, will be eligible for the registration.
Earlier, the public administration ministry made an amendment to the Bangladesh Civil Service (Age, Qualification and Examination for Direct Recruitment) Rules, 1982.
According to the rule, the preliminary examination will be of 200 marks, while the duration will be two hours instead of the one-hour-long 100-mark test.
A candidate with less than 30 percent marks in the written examination will be considered to have got no number against the existing rule of 25 percent marks.
The pass mark under the new system is 50 percent of the 200-mark viva voice which was 40 percent in the previous rule.
The examination fee is also increased to Tk 700 from Tk 500.
The applicants may read the circular online for further details.