
Minimum age of freedom fighter now 12yrs 6 months

Liberation War Affairs Ministry today issued a circular re-fixing 12 years and six months as the minimum age for being recognised as a freedom fighter.

According to the circular, people who were 12 years- and six-months-old on November 30, 1971 would be deemed eligible to apply for the status, said a press release of the ministry.

Previously, in June last year, the government decided that those who were at least 13-years-old on November 30, 1971 could apply for obtaining the freedom fighter status.


Minimum age of freedom fighter now 12yrs 6 months

Liberation War Affairs Ministry today issued a circular re-fixing 12 years and six months as the minimum age for being recognised as a freedom fighter.

According to the circular, people who were 12 years- and six-months-old on November 30, 1971 would be deemed eligible to apply for the status, said a press release of the ministry.

Previously, in June last year, the government decided that those who were at least 13-years-old on November 30, 1971 could apply for obtaining the freedom fighter status.


জয়-পুতুল-রেহানা-টিউলিপের সম্পত্তি দেখাশোনায় প্রশাসক নিয়োগের আদেশ

সম্পদের মধ্যে আছে জয় ও পুতুলের মালিকানাধীন ধানমন্ডির সুধা সদন, টিউলিপের গুলশানের একটি ফ্ল্যাট, রেহানার সেগুনবাগিচার একটি ফ্ল্যাট ও ববির গুলশানের চারটি ফ্ল্যাট।

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