
Jamaat hartal tomorrow

Jamaat-e-Islami have called a countrywide hartal for tomorrow after the apex court upheld death penalty for its chief Motiur Rahman Nizami today.

The party, which has lost its registration amid outcries for a ban, has called for the year’s first hartal, dawn-to-dusk, in a press release issued for the media.

Today, the Supreme Court upheld death for Motiur Rahman Nizami, a convicted war criminal, for crimes committed against humanity during 1971 War of Independence.

When a war crimes tribunal gave him death in October last year, the special court said death would be the only fitting punishment for his horrendous crimes.

Pro-liberation forces have been demanding a ban on the politics of Jamaat for some time now as the party sided with Pakistan and opposed Bangladesh’s independence in 1971.


Jamaat hartal tomorrow

Jamaat-e-Islami have called a countrywide hartal for tomorrow after the apex court upheld death penalty for its chief Motiur Rahman Nizami today.

The party, which has lost its registration amid outcries for a ban, has called for the year’s first hartal, dawn-to-dusk, in a press release issued for the media.

Today, the Supreme Court upheld death for Motiur Rahman Nizami, a convicted war criminal, for crimes committed against humanity during 1971 War of Independence.

When a war crimes tribunal gave him death in October last year, the special court said death would be the only fitting punishment for his horrendous crimes.

Pro-liberation forces have been demanding a ban on the politics of Jamaat for some time now as the party sided with Pakistan and opposed Bangladesh’s independence in 1971.


কারফিউয়ের মধ্যে গণকবরে দাফন

গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাত মাস হয়ে গেলেও অন্তত ১৯টি পরিবার এখনো তাদের বাবা, ছেলে, ভাই বা স্বামীকে খুঁজে বেড়াচ্ছেন। তাদের মধ্যে ১২ জনই নিখোঁজ হন অভ্যুত্থানের শেষ দুই দিন—৪ ও ৫ আগস্টে।

১ ঘণ্টা আগে