Bangladesh Independence Day celebrations on Google Doodle
Star Online Graphics/ Anwar Sohel
Google has posted a special Doodle for Bangladesh on its 48th Independence and National Day.
The Doodle was posted on Google homepage just minutes after midnight on March 26.
This time, the Doodle logo is drawn in combination of red and green colours and in the centre a waving flag of Bangladesh is seen in all its glory in the backdrop of a deep blue sky.
Read more: Freedom in the air
If you click the Doodle you will be steered to relevant information and news stories about our Independence Day.
In 2013, Google, for the first time in its history, posted a special Doodle for Bangladesh on its Independence Day.
Named ‘Bangladesh Independence Day 2013’, the Doodle was posted on Google homepage just minute after midnight on March 26.
The Doodle showed a child, wearing a T-shirt and shorts and holding a small flag in his hand, walking with his parents. While the mother wears a saree, the father in red panjabi and white trousers, is also holding a flag.
Here’s the Doodle of Bangladesh Independence Day 2013

According to the Google’s Doodles Archive the next year Google didn't posted any Doodle on the Independence Day. But from 2015, it has been posting a new doodle on the occasion of every Bangladesh Independence Day.
Bangladesh National Day 2015 Doodle

Bangladesh Independence Day 2016 Doodle

Bangladesh Independence Day 2017 Doodle

Bangladesh Independence Day 2018 Doodle

So, readers! Which one do you think is the best Doodle from Google celebrating the Bangladesh Independence Day? Let us know with your comments.
Here are some more information about Google Doodles if you are interested:
Doodles are the fun, surprising, and sometimes spontaneous changes that are made to the Google logo to celebrate holidays, anniversaries, and the lives of famous artists, pioneers, and scientists.
How did the idea for doodles originate?
In 1998, before the company was even incorporated, the concept of the doodle was born when Google founders Larry and Sergey played with the corporate logo to indicate their attendance at the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. They placed a stick figure drawing behind the 2nd "o" in the word, Google, and the revised logo was intended as a comical message to Google users that the founders were "out of office.". While the first doodle was relatively simple, the idea of decorating the company logo to celebrate notable events was born.
Two years later in 2000, Larry and Sergey asked current webmaster Dennis Hwang, an intern at the time, to produce a doodle for Bastille Day. It was so well received by the users that Dennis was appointed Google's chief doodler and doodles started showing up more and more regularly on the Google homepage. In the beginning, the doodles mostly celebrated familiar holidays; nowadays, they highlight a wide array of events and anniversaries from the Birthday of John James Audubon to the Ice Cream Sundae.
Over time, the demand for doodles has risen in the US and internationally. Creating doodles is now the responsibility of a team of talented illlustrators (we call them doodlers) and engineers. For them, creating doodles has become a group effort to enliven the Google homepage and bring smiles to the faces of Google users around the world.
How many doodles has Google done over the years?
The team has created over 2000 doodles for Google homepages around the world.
Who chooses what doodles will be created and how do you decide which events will receive doodles?
A group of Googlers get together regularly to brainstorm and decide which events will be celebrated with a doodle. The ideas for the doodles come from numerous sources including Googlers and Google users. The doodle selection process aims to celebrate interesting events and anniversaries that reflect Google's personality and love for innovation.
Who designs the doodles?
There is a team of illustrators (we call them doodlers) and engineers that are behind each and every doodle you see.
How can Google users/the public submit ideas for doodles?
The doodle team is always excited to hear ideas from users - they can email with ideas for the next Google doodle.