
Graft, rights violation continuing: TIB

Transparency International Bangladesh TIB Logo

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) today said that despite various efforts, corruption and violation of human rights is continuing in the country.

The international graft watchdog's Bangladesh chapter came up with the revelation at a press conference arranged at its Dhanmondi office.

Despite numerous attempts of the government, corruption, bribery, money laundering and human rights violations are still prevalent in the country, it said.

TIB conducted the study between April-August 2017 on different state machineries including judiciary, local government public administration and law enforcement.

It also observed that there a here is a tendency among the government to deny allegations of human rights violations and lack of willingness to investigate those incidents.

It also came up with an 11-point recommendation to bring reformation to the existing laws.


Graft, rights violation continuing: TIB

Transparency International Bangladesh TIB Logo

Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) today said that despite various efforts, corruption and violation of human rights is continuing in the country.

The international graft watchdog's Bangladesh chapter came up with the revelation at a press conference arranged at its Dhanmondi office.

Despite numerous attempts of the government, corruption, bribery, money laundering and human rights violations are still prevalent in the country, it said.

TIB conducted the study between April-August 2017 on different state machineries including judiciary, local government public administration and law enforcement.

It also observed that there a here is a tendency among the government to deny allegations of human rights violations and lack of willingness to investigate those incidents.

It also came up with an 11-point recommendation to bring reformation to the existing laws.


সকালেও ভাঙা হচ্ছে ধানমন্ডি ৩২ নম্বর

ভেঙে ফেলা হচ্ছে ধানমন্ডি ৩২ নম্বরে বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের বাড়ি।

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