Ex-OC gets 14yrs jail for concealing wealth info

A Dhaka court today sentenced former officer-in-charge of Goalanda Police Station of Rajbari Saiful Islam to fourteen years rigorous imprisonment in connection with two cases filed over acquiring wealth through illegal means and concealing wealth statement from the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).
Meanwhile, Saiful Islam's wife Zakia Islam Onu was given two years imprisonment for assisting her husband to acquire the illegal wealth.
The court also fined Saiful Tk 6.5lakh in default of which, he will have to suffer two years and six months more in jail, while his wife was fined Tk 1 lakh in default of which, she will have to suffer three months.
Judge Shaikh Nazmul Alam of the Special Judge Court 4 of Dhaka handed down the sentence in presence of the couple in a crowded courtroom.
The court cancelled their bail and sent them to prison with conviction warrant to serve jail term.
ACC filed the two cases with Ramna Police Station in June and September in 2010.