Extra fare being charged from passengers: Jatri Kalyan Samity

Bangladesh Jatri Kalyan Samity has brought allegation of charging extra fare from passengers in all modes of transports ahead of the Eid-ul-Azha and called upon authorities to ensure hassle-free journey of the holidaymakers.
The spree of collecting extra fees from people in all modes of public transport is going on ahead of the Eid while the consumer rights protection body and Anti-Corruption Commission are seen inactive, the platform alleged.
Mozammel Hoque Chowdhury, secretary general of the passenger welfare platform, today came up with the allegation while addressing a press conference at the Dhaka Reporters’ Unity this noon.
The roadway holidaymakers are being forced to wait hours after hours due to mismanagement while the rail and waterway passengers have been plunged into indescribable sufferings for schedule disruption and black marketing of tickets, he said.
Amid such situation, the home-bound people are being compelled to wait at the launch terminals for at least eight to 12 hours while the airway holidaymakers have to collect tickets paying four to five times extra cost, he said.
Besides, defying the government ban, people have set up makeshift cattle markets on the roads and highways that added extra sufferings to the journey of the holidaymakers, Mozammel said.
Amid such a situation, the platform also urged the concerned authorities to come up with steps for ensuring the smooth and hassle-free journey of the home-bound people.
Mozammel also blamed the presence of unfit vehicles on the roads and highways and unskilled drivers for the nagging tailback on the way of the holidaymakers.
Behind the tailback, Mozammel also found the artificial and human-created sufferings like extortion of the members of law enforcement agencies at cattle laden trucks at different points on the roads and highways.
Apart from these, setting up makeshift cattle markets at the entrance points of the highways and the capital Dhaka have also created an artificial traffic jam, he said.