Digital Security Act: Minister assures editors can propose amendments

The law minister today assured editors of arranging a meeting with parliamentary standing committee on post, telecom and ICT to place their proposals regarding amendments to the Digital Security Act.
Law Minister Anisul Huq came up with the assurance following a meeting with the Editors’ Council at the secretariat.
Based on their concerns, it was decided that the law minister will request the parliamentary watchdog on April 22 to sit with the members of the editors’ council.
During the meeting, Editors' Council today expressed their concern over the Articles 8, 21, 25, 29, 32, 43 of the act in the meeting.
"The concerns of the Editors' Council are logical for the major part," added the minister.
The bill on the Digital Security Act is currently under scrutiny with the parliamentary standing committee on post telecom and ICT ministry.
The standing committee will hold a meeting on April 22 and set the date for the meeting.
The Editors' Council definitely wants that the cyber-crimes be deterred but the laws against cyber crime must not prevent free speech and free press, The Daily Star Editor and the Council's General Secretary Mahfuz Anam told reporters after the meeting.
The council will present their concerns before the parliamentary standing committee when we will be asked for the meeting, he added.