
DU ‘Gha’ unit result published; pass rate 13.26%

Dhaka University's Logo

The result of ‘Gha’ unit of the Dhaka University (DU) was published today with a pass rate of 13.26 per cent.

A total of 11,158 students have qualified in the test. Among them, 8,485 candidates are from science, 2,104 business and 569 from humanities backgrounds.

The results can be viewed on the university website -- -- or via short message service (SMS) on any mobile operator service.

For SMS notification of the result, a candidate will have to type “DU KHA <roll number>” and send it to 16321.

The qualified students will have to fill up subject choice forms through the website between October 31 and November 14.

The admission test was held on September 27.


DU ‘Gha’ unit result published; pass rate 13.26%

Dhaka University's Logo

The result of ‘Gha’ unit of the Dhaka University (DU) was published today with a pass rate of 13.26 per cent.

A total of 11,158 students have qualified in the test. Among them, 8,485 candidates are from science, 2,104 business and 569 from humanities backgrounds.

The results can be viewed on the university website -- -- or via short message service (SMS) on any mobile operator service.

For SMS notification of the result, a candidate will have to type “DU KHA <roll number>” and send it to 16321.

The qualified students will have to fill up subject choice forms through the website between October 31 and November 14.

The admission test was held on September 27.


ধর্ষণের মামলার বিচার দ্রুত-যথাযথ হবে, কঠোর হচ্ছে আইন

ধর্ষণ মামলার বিচার কেবল দ্রুতই নয়, বিচারটা যাতে নিশ্চিত ও যথাযথ হয় সে লক্ষ্যে নারী ও শিশু নির্যাতন দমন আইন কঠোর করা হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছেন আইন উপদেষ্টা ড. আসিফ নজরুল।

৬ ঘণ্টা আগে