
Bribe-taking N’ganj sub-registrar suspended

A government official in Narayanganj was suspended today after a video clip of taking bribe in his office went viral in social media.

Read more: Bribe-taking caught on video

Esahaq Ali Mondal, acting sub-registrar in Narayanganj's Araihazar, was suspended as he was seen in the video taking bribes while on duty, which is illegal and a clear violation of the norm, according to a notification of the government’s Registry Department.

The authorities also issued a show cause notice seeking explanation from him in seven days in this regard.

Esahaq was filmed on Thursday, March 22, receiving a stash of notes from people in his office for signing their files.

This footage, what appears to be a video shot with a phone camera, went viral on social media and YouTube since Thursday.


Bribe-taking N’ganj sub-registrar suspended

A government official in Narayanganj was suspended today after a video clip of taking bribe in his office went viral in social media.

Read more: Bribe-taking caught on video

Esahaq Ali Mondal, acting sub-registrar in Narayanganj's Araihazar, was suspended as he was seen in the video taking bribes while on duty, which is illegal and a clear violation of the norm, according to a notification of the government’s Registry Department.

The authorities also issued a show cause notice seeking explanation from him in seven days in this regard.

Esahaq was filmed on Thursday, March 22, receiving a stash of notes from people in his office for signing their files.

This footage, what appears to be a video shot with a phone camera, went viral on social media and YouTube since Thursday.


বইমেলায় এ ধরনের অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের উন্মুক্ত সাংস্কৃতিক চর্চাকে ক্ষুণ্ন করে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

‘এ ধরনের বিশৃঙ্খল আচরণ বাংলাদেশে নাগরিকের অধিকার ও দেশের আইন—উভয়ের প্রতিই অবজ্ঞা প্রদর্শন করে।’

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