Narayanganj doctor tests positive for Covid-19

A senior doctor at Narayanganj 300-bed Hospital tested positive for coronavirus today and has since been in isolation.
The patient himself confirmed the matter to our local correspondent.
The man, around 50, had been showing coronavirus-like symptoms for several days and his sample was collected by the IEDCR on April 13.
His test result came positive for Covid-19 this afternoon, after which he was kept at the isolation centre.
Before him, a doctor of medicine of the same hospital had tested positive and also kept in isolation.
At least 10 people, including nurses and ward boys, who came in contact with the medicine doctor are also in quarantine.
Since Sunday, the hospital at Khanpur has been providing treatment only to the patients diagnosed with coronavirus (Covid-19).
Earlier, seven people -- four doctors, one nurse, one ward boy and one ambulance driver of Narayanganj General Hospital -- tested positive for the novel coronavirus.