SC order on Zafrullah tomorrow

The Supreme Court will pass an order tomorrow on Zafrullah Chowdhury's petition filed against a tribunal verdict that fined him for contempt.
A four-member bench of the Appellate Division headed by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha fixed the date today after hearing petitioner's argument.
During hearing, the court asked Zafrullah's lawyer whether he (Zafrullah) will apologise for criticising the punishment of Dhaka-based British journalist David Bergman by a war crimes tribunal.
Zafrullah's lawyer Abbur Razzaque Khan told the court that he will decide about it tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Barrister Abdullah Al Mamun, another lawyer for Zafrullah told The Daily Star that his client may apologise to the court tomorrow.
Zafrullah, Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder and a freedom fighter, was fined Tk 5,000 and imprisoned inside court for an hour over his criticism on Bergman's punishment.
On June 16, Zafrullah filed the petition with the Supreme Court challenging the tribunal verdict. On the same day, the chamber judge of appellate division stayed the tribunal order and sent the petition to the full bench of the appellate division.