‘People linked to question paper leak won’t be spared’

Urging guardians to keep their children away from immoral activities like question paper leak, Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid today said no one will be spared if they are found guilty.
The education minister claimed that the number of candidates getting access to the leaked questions are very small as the number is around 5,000 among 20 lakh candidates.
So far, authorities have arrested 157 people and suspended some teachers in this connection, Nahid said while speaking as a chief guest at a programme in Dhaka.
He attended the inaugural ceremony of a National Conference on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh: Educational Responses, Challenges and Possibilities held at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban & IER Bhaban of Dhaka University.
Authorities including Bangladesh Bank and law enforcers are working to stop question paper leak in the country, said Sohrab Hossain, secretary of the ministry, during his speech.
The leakers leaked the question papers of this year’s SSC examination. They did it declaring to reveal the questions hours before the exam started.
Over the last few years questions of different public examinations have been leaked.
With all the government steps to stop the leak spree turning out to be futile, the High Court on February 13 formed two committees -- one judicial and another administrative -- to find out those responsible and make recommendations for preventing the menace.