Editors’ Council demands withdrawal of case against Manabzamin editor

Sampadak Parishad (Editors' Council) today expressed grave concern about the case against Editor-in-Chief of Manabzamin and 31 others under the Digital Security Act, for publishing news concerning the arrested Jubo Mahila League leader Shamima Nur Papia, and demanded immediate withdrawal of the case against the journalists.
The case against the editor was filed by ruling party law maker Saifuzzaman Shikhor from Magura 1 constituency, for allegedly defaming him in a story in which his name was not mentioned and no reference was made to him either directly or indirectly.
The Parishad failed to understand why the law maker should take it upon himself to feel defamed when his name or any reference to him did not appear in any part of the report, as per a statement released by the council.
What was done on social media by unknown users can in no way be attributed to Manabzamin, its Editor-in-Chief Matiur Rahman Chowdhury, or its reporter, the council noted.
The Parishad considers the filing of the case as nothing more than an attempt to intimidate and harass the media and journalists in general. Such use of the Digital Security Act is part of the reason why Sampadak Parishad has been opposed to the Act from its inception, the statement read.