Rab destroys 400 maunds mangoes

Rapid Action Battalion today destroyed 400 maunds of mangoes in Jatrabari area of Dhaka.
The most of the mangoes were supposed to hit the market at early June, but the mangoes were ripened using different methods which are illegal, said Sarwoer Alam, executive magistrate of Rab. Such mangoes are harmful to public health, he told The Daily Star.
The law enforcers have also fined nine wholesale depots a total of Tk 24 lakh in this regard, he said.
The depots are Ma Enterprise, Saddam Traders, Nangolcourt Banijjyaloy, Shah Chandrapuri Shabji Vandar, Nannu Enterprise, Madaripur Banijyaloy, Sajib Traders, and Sabiha Banijjyaloy.
Earlier, Rajshahi district administration, at a meeting on May 12, decided that the first phase of harvesting will be of Guti mango from May 15.
As per the decision, Gopalbhog will be harvested on May 20, Ranipasand and Laxmanbhog on May 25, Khirsapat or Himsagar on May 28, Langra on June 6, Amrapali, Fazli and Surma Fazli on June 16, and Ashwina varieties on July 1.