No scope to leave women behind in the name of religion: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today stressed the need for the equal development of the country's womenfolk as there is no scope to leave them behind in the name of religion.
"There's no scope to push one behind or keep ignorant in the name of religion," she said.
The prime minister was addressing a function marking the International Women's Day at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre.
Women and Children Affairs Ministry organised the programme with its State Minister Meher Afroze in the chair.
Mentioning that Islam as a religion has given the highest priority to the womenfolk, Sheikh Hasina described various contributions of Hazrat Ayesha, Bibi Khadiza, Hazrat Sumaiya and others to society.
"It's Islam which has ensured the rights for women to the property of their parents and husbands, which no other religion has done," she said.
To properly build a society, the prime minister said its all sections must be given the due value and attention.
"It's impossible to take forward the society by prioritising its one section and neglecting another. We must develop all the sections of a society for sustainable development," she said.
The prime minister requested the womenfolk to build their own fate shunning their dependence on others. "You'll get the dignity when you'll be able to build your own fate and move ahead with self-confidence."
UN Women country representative Christine Hunter spoke on the occasion as a special guest.
With efforts from all people, the prime minister said, it would be possible to build the country as a poverty- and hunger-free Golden Bengal as dreamt by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Hasina mentioned that the government has been tirelessly working to further uphold dignity and honour of the country's women by creating opportunities for them.
The prime minister also stressed the need for developing women leadership from the grassroots level.
Hasina said the success of women is everywhere in Bangladesh and they are in equal stage along with their male counterparts in education, sports and creative works.
She said country's women are now working in higher positions in all sectors like the administration, the judiciary, education as well as the armed forces and in law enforcement agencies.
Mentioning that her government made women Secretaries, DCs and SPs, the prime minister said she had to face lot of obstacles from different corners in doing these. But, the encouraging thing is that female officers have the lower tendency than their male colleagues to be corrupt, she said.
She also mentioned the two golden daughters of the country who recently won gold medals for Bangladesh in weight lifting and swimming in an international competition in India.
Earlier, a documentary on the activities of women development was screened at the function.