
Move to curb sexual exploitation of children

Bangladesh parliament’s Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah launching the website at a programme in Cirdap auditorium in Dhaka on April 28, 2016. Photo: Courtesy

A website has been launched today in Dhaka city with a view to curb commercial use of sexual exploitation of children in Bangladesh.

Four non-government organisations (NGOs) will supervise the website to assist the survivors of commercial sexual abuse and rehabilitate them.

Parliament's Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah launched the website at a programme in Cirdap auditorium this morning.

"We have plans to assist 1,000 survivors of commercial exploitation of children," said Mahmudul Kabir, country director for Terre des Hommes Netherlands.

Supervision of the website will be conducted by Terre des Hommes Netherlands with Social and Economic Enhancement Programme (SEEP), Society for Social Services (SSS) and Breaking the Silence (BTS).

The European Union is funding the project which began since January this year.

Lawmaker Showkat Ali Badsha, women & children affairs ministry's Additional Secretary Bikash Kishore Das, and head of cooperation of European Union to Bangladesh Mario Ronconi attended the programme as special guests. 


Move to curb sexual exploitation of children

Bangladesh parliament’s Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah launching the website at a programme in Cirdap auditorium in Dhaka on April 28, 2016. Photo: Courtesy

A website has been launched today in Dhaka city with a view to curb commercial use of sexual exploitation of children in Bangladesh.

Four non-government organisations (NGOs) will supervise the website to assist the survivors of commercial sexual abuse and rehabilitate them.

Parliament's Deputy Speaker Fazle Rabbi Miah launched the website at a programme in Cirdap auditorium this morning.

"We have plans to assist 1,000 survivors of commercial exploitation of children," said Mahmudul Kabir, country director for Terre des Hommes Netherlands.

Supervision of the website will be conducted by Terre des Hommes Netherlands with Social and Economic Enhancement Programme (SEEP), Society for Social Services (SSS) and Breaking the Silence (BTS).

The European Union is funding the project which began since January this year.

Lawmaker Showkat Ali Badsha, women & children affairs ministry's Additional Secretary Bikash Kishore Das, and head of cooperation of European Union to Bangladesh Mario Ronconi attended the programme as special guests. 
