Holy Cross College, Notre Dame College win USAID Int’l Women’s Day debate award

Holy Cross College and Notre Dame College debating clubs have won the USAID's International Women's Day Debate Competition-2020 Award respectively.
These two clubs separately beat Saint Joseph and Viqarunnisa Noon debating clubs in two competitions on "Families [Societies for opposing sides] play a key role in ensuring girl power" held at The Daily Star Centre in the capital today.
BGMEA President Rubana Huq and officials of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) handed over trophies to four teams at the closing ceremony there in the morning.
In her speech, Rubana Huq said none can be successful without facing any challenge in life. "So you [women] have to face challenges as there is no alternative or no shortcut way to change your life," she affirmed.
"I think, there is no difference between men and women, so lead your life fearlessly in line with a proper plan," she said.
USAID Mission Director Derrick Brown said that women are the backbone of a nation as they become the first teachers of their children in families.
"We must understand this reality and come forward together to change our societies; if both men and women do better in Bangladesh, the country will obviously do better in the world," he said.
JoAnne Wagner, deputy chief of mission of the US embassy in Dhaka, said women have the ability to change the world. "So raise your voices against all sorts of discrimination; if you raise your voice, it will help others to awaken," she said.
Terming men and women allies, Wagner said, "If you think about empowerment, you have to exercise your own power, it doesn't matter what gender you belong to."
Among others, journalist Morshed Hassib Hasan and Filmmaker Shameem Akhter were present at the event.