
Exams resume at Viqarunnisa school

Some present and former students, parents and teachers of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College on December 7, 2018 demonstrate at school premises for release of Hasna Hena, the class teacher who was arrested and sent to jail in case filed over the schoolgirl’s suicide. Photo: Star/ Palash Khan

Viqarunnisa Noon School and College’s Bailey Road campus resumed its terminal examinations after three days of protests surrounding the suicide of a student.

Students were seen attending the examinations at the school campus, many of them coming with their parents, reports our staff correspondent from the spot.

Meanwhile, some 100 present and former students, parents and teachers today demonstrated at school premises for release of Hasna Hena, the class teacher who was arrested and sent to jail in case filed over the schoolgirl’s suicide. 

Sangita Imam, a teacher of the school, told The Daily Star they joined the demonstration with an emotional appeal as Hasna Hena is their colleague.


Aritry Adhikary, who was allegedly caught cheating in the in tests, hanged herself on Monday after watching her parents being subjected to severe admonishment by the school authority.

The tragedy, according to many students and parents of the school, was a case of excesses on the part of the school authority when handling a case of alleged cheating in the annual.

It sparked a wave of outrage inside the school and outside, compelling students to demonstrate at the campus for three days demanding justice over the incident.


Last from yesterday, the agitating students and parents withdrew their protests upon assurance from the school authorities that their six-point demands will be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the education ministry has asked the governing body to suspend three of its teachers including the acting principal Nazneen Ferdous after the incident.

Class teacher Hasna Hena has been denied bail and sent to jail in the case filed by Aritry’s father, where he alleged the teachers had provoked the suicide.


Exams resume at Viqarunnisa school

Some present and former students, parents and teachers of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College on December 7, 2018 demonstrate at school premises for release of Hasna Hena, the class teacher who was arrested and sent to jail in case filed over the schoolgirl’s suicide. Photo: Star/ Palash Khan

Viqarunnisa Noon School and College’s Bailey Road campus resumed its terminal examinations after three days of protests surrounding the suicide of a student.

Students were seen attending the examinations at the school campus, many of them coming with their parents, reports our staff correspondent from the spot.

Meanwhile, some 100 present and former students, parents and teachers today demonstrated at school premises for release of Hasna Hena, the class teacher who was arrested and sent to jail in case filed over the schoolgirl’s suicide. 

Sangita Imam, a teacher of the school, told The Daily Star they joined the demonstration with an emotional appeal as Hasna Hena is their colleague.


Aritry Adhikary, who was allegedly caught cheating in the in tests, hanged herself on Monday after watching her parents being subjected to severe admonishment by the school authority.

The tragedy, according to many students and parents of the school, was a case of excesses on the part of the school authority when handling a case of alleged cheating in the annual.

It sparked a wave of outrage inside the school and outside, compelling students to demonstrate at the campus for three days demanding justice over the incident.


Last from yesterday, the agitating students and parents withdrew their protests upon assurance from the school authorities that their six-point demands will be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, the education ministry has asked the governing body to suspend three of its teachers including the acting principal Nazneen Ferdous after the incident.

Class teacher Hasna Hena has been denied bail and sent to jail in the case filed by Aritry’s father, where he alleged the teachers had provoked the suicide.


বিশ্বাসযোগ্য নির্বাচন উপহার দেওয়া আমাদের লক্ষ্য: সিইসি

গ্রহণযোগ্য ত্রয়োদশ জাতীয় সংসদ নির্বাচন নিশ্চিত করতে নির্বাচন কমিশন প্রতিশ্রুতিবদ্ধ বলে মন্তব্য করেছেন প্রধান নির্বাচন কমিশনার (সিইসি) এ এম এম নাছির উদ্দীন।

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