Muggers loot Tk 48.5 lakh in Gazipur

Muggers looted TK 48.5 lakh of a garments factory at Konabari in Gazipur city today.
Quoting witnesses, police said the authorities concerned of Greenline Readymade Garments factory withdrew Tk 48.50 lakh from the Konabari branch of IFIC Bank around 11:00am to pay the salaries of their workers.
When the microbus carrying the factory staff reached Parijat Amtoli, a group of muggers riding on three motorbikes intercepted the vehicle and snatched away the bag containing the money from their possession at gunpoint.
They also opened fire to create panic in the area.
The factory authorities did not seek any police protection while withdrawing the money, said Rafiqul Islam, sub-inspector of Konabari Police camp. However, police are investigating the incident, he said.