‘Level playing field to be hampered if govt's important persons take part in polls campaign’

Election Commissioner Mahbub Talukdar today said that the level playing field would be hampered if important persons and beneficiaries within the government take part in the electioneering.
“I am with concern noticing that parliament members are taking part in the election campaign ahead of Dhaka north and south city corporation elections which is the clear violation of the electoral code of conduct 2016,” Mahbub said in an unofficial not to the Chief Election Commissioner KM Nurul Huda.
According to the electoral code of conduct of the city corporation elections, important persons within the government cannot take part in the pre-election campaign in the electoral areas, he said.
“It’s not understandable to me how they are taking part in the campaign?” Mahbub said adding that image of the election commission would be affected if the trend is continued.
Strong enforcement of the electoral code of conduct is needed to be ensured, the election commissioner said.
“In this context, I urge the concerned authority to take an immediate step so that the parliament members cannot take part in the electioneering ahead of the Dhaka north and south city corporation elections,” he said.
Mahbub sent the unofficial letter to the CEC as ruling Awami League formed two committees to coordinate elections to DNCC and DSCC on January 3.
AL advisory committee members Tofail Ahmed and Amir Hossain Amu, who are also members of the 11th parliament, will lead the committees to oversee the DNCC and DSCC respectively.
AL lawmakers also the party’s presidium member Faruk Khan and its joint general secretary Mahbubul Alam Hanif are also members of the AL committee for the DNCC polls, among others.
Besides, Agriculture Minister Muhammad Abdur Razzaque has been made a member of the committee to oversee the DSCC elections.
The elections to the two city corporations will take place on January 30.