
Joy Bangla concert held at Army Stadium

The 2019 edition of the Joy Bangla Concert, arranged by Young Bangla, an associate organisation of Centre for research and Information was held at the Army Stadium today.

The concert was arranged for the last few years to commemorate the historic March 7 speech by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971.


Joy Bangla concert held at Army Stadium

The 2019 edition of the Joy Bangla Concert, arranged by Young Bangla, an associate organisation of Centre for research and Information was held at the Army Stadium today.

The concert was arranged for the last few years to commemorate the historic March 7 speech by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in 1971.


বইমেলায় এ ধরনের অপ্রীতিকর ঘটনা বাংলাদেশের উন্মুক্ত সাংস্কৃতিক চর্চাকে ক্ষুণ্ন করে: প্রধান উপদেষ্টা

‘এ ধরনের বিশৃঙ্খল আচরণ বাংলাদেশে নাগরিকের অধিকার ও দেশের আইন—উভয়ের প্রতিই অবজ্ঞা প্রদর্শন করে।’

৫ ঘণ্টা আগে