
Jatrabari school teacher held over ‘sexual harassment’


Law enforcers have arrested a schoolteacher after a case was filed against him on charge of sexually harassing a student in Jatrabari of Dhaka yesterday.

Md Ayub Ali, 44, a teacher of a school located at Jatrabari, was arrested near his home in Dakkhin Jatrabari area last night.

Soon after the incident, the victim’s mother filed the case against Md Ayub with Jatrabari Police Station, Assistant Commissioners (AC) Iftekhairul Islam of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Demra Zone) told The Daily Star.

In her complaint, the mother claimed that Md Ayub gave her daughter indecent proposal and sexually assaulted her when the victim went to his Jatrabari house for taking tuition, the AC also said.



Jatrabari school teacher held over ‘sexual harassment’


Law enforcers have arrested a schoolteacher after a case was filed against him on charge of sexually harassing a student in Jatrabari of Dhaka yesterday.

Md Ayub Ali, 44, a teacher of a school located at Jatrabari, was arrested near his home in Dakkhin Jatrabari area last night.

Soon after the incident, the victim’s mother filed the case against Md Ayub with Jatrabari Police Station, Assistant Commissioners (AC) Iftekhairul Islam of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (Demra Zone) told The Daily Star.

In her complaint, the mother claimed that Md Ayub gave her daughter indecent proposal and sexually assaulted her when the victim went to his Jatrabari house for taking tuition, the AC also said.



প্রতিহিংসা নয়, সবাই মিলে দেশকে বাসযোগ্য করব: খালেদা জিয়া

জরুরি ন্যূনতম সংস্কার সম্পন্ন করে দ্রুত নির্বাচন দিতে তার দলের দাবির কথা পুনর্ব্যক্ত করেন খালেদা জিয়া।

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