An example of honesty

It was around 9:00am in the morning.
Like any other day, Sergeant Samaresh Mandal was discharging duty along with his colleagues near a fish market in Merul Badda area in the capital on Tuesday.
Suddenly, he saw a bundle of money lying on the road.
The police officer of traffic (north division) picked up the bundle, not more than Tk 1 lakh, and tried to find the owner. But nobody was around.
Samaresh then informed the incident to his senior officials right away and waited there till 12:30pm, hoping that the person whom the money belonged to might come by.
Since nobody showed up, he handed the money over to the custody of Dhaka Metropolitan Police media office.
“My parents taught me not to greed over other people's money… that money belonged to someone else… that person might be in need of the money…,” Samaresh told The Daily Star.
Hailing from Khulna, Samaresh joined Bangladesh Police in 2011 as a sergeant after completing his study from Dhaka College in Economics.
The owner has been asked to collect the money from the office in Minto Road after providing necessary proof. One can contact the media office at 01713398757.