DMP opens counter terrorism unit

The "Counter Terrorism and Transnational Crime" unit under Dhaka Metropolitan Police started functioning from today with newly promoted Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Monirul Islam as its chief.
The 600-men police unit specialising in technology has been formed to enhance police capability in combating militancy and terrorism.
The unit started its journey at a time when the country has witnessed a sharp rise in deadly attacks on bloggers, publishers, different Muslim sects, foreigners, and people of other religions.
ডিএমপি'র নবগঠিত কাউন্টার টেরোরিজম এন্ড ট্রান্সন্যাশনাল ক্রাইম ইউনিট এর যাত্রা শুরুডিএমপি'র সদ্য গঠিত ইউনিট কাউন্টার টে...
Posted by Dhaka Metropolitan Police on Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Police officials working on militancy and counter terrorism in the DMP and the Detective Branch (DB) of police in particular would be incorporated into the unit, said a police official.
"The unit will work to combat cybercrimes, terror financing and mobile banking related crimes," Monirul, the chief of the unit, told the Daily Star earlier.
Members from Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT), bomb disposal unit, and the dog squad would also be included in the unit.
The unit would also have an additional DIG, four deputy commissioners, 10 additional deputy commissioners, and 20 assistant commissioners.
The rest would be inspectors, sub-inspectors, assistant sub-inspectors and constables.