
Biswa Ijtema: DMP announces road, parking plans

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has issued a traffic and car parking management plan ahead of the 53rd Biswa Ijtema, the second largest congregation of the Muslim community after the holy hajj, beginning tomorrow.

The congregation will be held in two phases from January 12-14 and January 19-21 on bank of the river Turag amid tight security.

Police have taken special measures ahead of the Biswa Ijtema to ease the traffic system. The measure will come into effect from the first days of the two phases’ congregation.

Alternative routes suggested

Vehicles heading to Abdullahpur from Ashulia will have to take Mirpur-Beribadh road after taking the right turn at intersection near Dhaur bridge, the DMP said on its news website yesterday

From January 12 to January 21, all vehicles except those carrying passengers and crews of aircrafts, law enforcers and fire fighters and ambulances, to take alternate routes -- Mohakhali-Bijoy Sarani-Gabtoli -- avoiding Airport Road, the DMP said. 

All inter-district vehicles including busses, trucks and covered vans of Mohakhali bus terminal for Abdullahpur will ply Bijoy Sarani-Gabtoli road taking the left turn from Mohakhali intersection. 

DMP also advised vehicles to use the “Hotel Radisson Gap” or take the u-turn on Kuril Bishwa Road or the flyover to go Pragati Sarani instead of heading towards Airport Road.

Biswa Ijtema diversion: DMP issues alternative route, parking plan by Daily Star on Scribd

Vehicles going towards Abdullahpur through Pragati Sarani will have to take the Kakoli-Mohakhali road or an u-turn on Bishwa Road and Mirpur flyover, it said.

Parking plan for Ijtema

No parking zones

Police declared no-parking zone on the roads and its nearby areas from Rainbow intersection-Abdullahpr-Dhaur bridge and Rampur bridge to Pragati Sarani.

Biswa Ijtema parking: DMP issues alternative route, parking plan by Daily Star on Scribd

Fixed parking zones

DMP fixed some points for parking of vehicles for the Muslim devotees who will attend the Ijtema. The drivers and helpers of the parked vehicles must stay with their vehicles. 

Dhaka metropolitan: Shahjalal Avenue of Uttara, Nikunja-1 and Nikunja-2 and open spaces in these areas

Dhaka division: From Sonargaon Janapath intersection to Diabari canal

Chittagong division: Gausulazom Avenue (from east end through west and to Garib Newaz Road of Sector 13 of Uttara)

Sylhet division: Shahkhadum Avenue in Uttara 12

Khulna division: Open spaces in Sector 16 and 18 of Uttara

Rangpur, Rajshahi and Mymensingh divisions: ProtyashaHousing

Diversion points for Jan 14 and Jan 21, days of Akheri Munajat (concluding prayer)

The vehicles will take diversion through the roads mentioned below from 4:00am on January 14 and 21: 

  • Mohakhali intersection

  • Hotel Radisson gap

  • Pragati Sarani

  • Kuril flyover loop-2

  • Dhaur bridge

  • Entrance passage of Sector 18 of Uttara near Beribadh road


A number of 13 gates were erected by Gazipur City Corporation to welcome the local and foreign devotees.


Biswa Ijtema: DMP announces road, parking plans

Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) has issued a traffic and car parking management plan ahead of the 53rd Biswa Ijtema, the second largest congregation of the Muslim community after the holy hajj, beginning tomorrow.

The congregation will be held in two phases from January 12-14 and January 19-21 on bank of the river Turag amid tight security.

Police have taken special measures ahead of the Biswa Ijtema to ease the traffic system. The measure will come into effect from the first days of the two phases’ congregation.

Alternative routes suggested

Vehicles heading to Abdullahpur from Ashulia will have to take Mirpur-Beribadh road after taking the right turn at intersection near Dhaur bridge, the DMP said on its news website yesterday

From January 12 to January 21, all vehicles except those carrying passengers and crews of aircrafts, law enforcers and fire fighters and ambulances, to take alternate routes -- Mohakhali-Bijoy Sarani-Gabtoli -- avoiding Airport Road, the DMP said. 

All inter-district vehicles including busses, trucks and covered vans of Mohakhali bus terminal for Abdullahpur will ply Bijoy Sarani-Gabtoli road taking the left turn from Mohakhali intersection. 

DMP also advised vehicles to use the “Hotel Radisson Gap” or take the u-turn on Kuril Bishwa Road or the flyover to go Pragati Sarani instead of heading towards Airport Road.

Biswa Ijtema diversion: DMP issues alternative route, parking plan by Daily Star on Scribd

Vehicles going towards Abdullahpur through Pragati Sarani will have to take the Kakoli-Mohakhali road or an u-turn on Bishwa Road and Mirpur flyover, it said.

Parking plan for Ijtema

No parking zones

Police declared no-parking zone on the roads and its nearby areas from Rainbow intersection-Abdullahpr-Dhaur bridge and Rampur bridge to Pragati Sarani.

Biswa Ijtema parking: DMP issues alternative route, parking plan by Daily Star on Scribd

Fixed parking zones

DMP fixed some points for parking of vehicles for the Muslim devotees who will attend the Ijtema. The drivers and helpers of the parked vehicles must stay with their vehicles. 

Dhaka metropolitan: Shahjalal Avenue of Uttara, Nikunja-1 and Nikunja-2 and open spaces in these areas

Dhaka division: From Sonargaon Janapath intersection to Diabari canal

Chittagong division: Gausulazom Avenue (from east end through west and to Garib Newaz Road of Sector 13 of Uttara)

Sylhet division: Shahkhadum Avenue in Uttara 12

Khulna division: Open spaces in Sector 16 and 18 of Uttara

Rangpur, Rajshahi and Mymensingh divisions: ProtyashaHousing

Diversion points for Jan 14 and Jan 21, days of Akheri Munajat (concluding prayer)

The vehicles will take diversion through the roads mentioned below from 4:00am on January 14 and 21: 

  • Mohakhali intersection

  • Hotel Radisson gap

  • Pragati Sarani

  • Kuril flyover loop-2

  • Dhaur bridge

  • Entrance passage of Sector 18 of Uttara near Beribadh road


A number of 13 gates were erected by Gazipur City Corporation to welcome the local and foreign devotees.
