
Form body to examine pasteurised milk: HC

Assistant attorney general appointment
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The High Court today directed the government to form an expert committee to examine the pasteurised milk in the market and to submit a report before this court in a month.

The expert committee will be formed including the representatives from food and health ministries, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), concerned experts and researchers, the court said.

The HC also issued a rule asking the respondents why their failure to ensure the safety of pasteurised milk as per national requirements should not be declared illegal.

READ more: 77pc pasteurised milk unsafe, says icddr,b

Food and health secretary, director general of directorate of health services, director general of BSTI, executive director of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) and IGP have been made respondents to the rule.

The HC bench of Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury and Justice Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order and rule following a writ petition filed by Supreme Court lawyer Md Tanvir Ahmed.

He submitted the petition to the HC seeking direction upon the respondents to form an independent inquiry committee including experts and researchers to examine the pasteurised milk in the market and submit a report to this court.

He said in the petition that 75% of pasteurised milk are reportedly unsafe and, therefore, it should be examined.

The International Journal of Food Microbiology published the study on April 24 which found high levels of bacteria, making direct consumption of such milk unsafe.

The level of bacteria found was beyond the standards set by Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution, said the study.

It suggested that Bangladesh's dairy companies ensure end-to-end compliance.


Form body to examine pasteurised milk: HC

Assistant attorney general appointment
Star file photo

The High Court today directed the government to form an expert committee to examine the pasteurised milk in the market and to submit a report before this court in a month.

The expert committee will be formed including the representatives from food and health ministries, Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI), concerned experts and researchers, the court said.

The HC also issued a rule asking the respondents why their failure to ensure the safety of pasteurised milk as per national requirements should not be declared illegal.

READ more: 77pc pasteurised milk unsafe, says icddr,b

Food and health secretary, director general of directorate of health services, director general of BSTI, executive director of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b) and IGP have been made respondents to the rule.

The HC bench of Justice Zubayer Rahman Chowdhury and Justice Md Iqbal Kabir came up with the order and rule following a writ petition filed by Supreme Court lawyer Md Tanvir Ahmed.

He submitted the petition to the HC seeking direction upon the respondents to form an independent inquiry committee including experts and researchers to examine the pasteurised milk in the market and submit a report to this court.

He said in the petition that 75% of pasteurised milk are reportedly unsafe and, therefore, it should be examined.

The International Journal of Food Microbiology published the study on April 24 which found high levels of bacteria, making direct consumption of such milk unsafe.

The level of bacteria found was beyond the standards set by Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution, said the study.

It suggested that Bangladesh's dairy companies ensure end-to-end compliance.


গণঅভ্যুত্থানের পর বন্ধ কারখানা চালু করতে হিমশিম খাচ্ছেন মালিকরা

বন্ধ কারখানাগুলোয় প্রায় এক লাখ শ্রমিক কাজ করতেন। এর মধ্যে অনেকগুলো এখনো বন্ধ থাকায় কর্মীরা চরম সংকটে।

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